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Triumphant in Christ Jesus's - Rhapsody of Reality

Golden Text: Now thanks be unto God which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the saviour of his knowledge by us in every place (2 Corinthian2:14)

When you confessed the Lordship of Jesus over your life, you were immediately catapulted into the Kingdom of God's dear Son; into a life of triumph. Sadly, many don't understand this glorious truth and as a result, live below their calling. They are up today , and down tomorrow; and to them "such is life: you win some, and you lose some." But that is not consistent with the life we have in Christ; we don't win sometimes, and lose sometimes; we win all the time! It is a life of continuous triumph.

Observe our opening verse again; it says "... thanks be unto God which always causeth us to triumph in Christ.." not sometimes, but always. What a life! Christianity is not a religion; it's the life of God lived out through you; it's divinity at work in humanity. You can't have this mentality about  Christianity, and be beaten down in life. Until you come to know the Christian life beyond the facade of religion, all you'd have is the religiosity of Christian principles; and that's not good enough.
You need the understanding of your victorious life in Christ; you need to have the revelation of the triumphant, exultant life of the supernatural that you've been called to live. Such an understanding will put springs in your steps. To know that you have the very nature of God in your human spirit and His pulsating life in every fibre of your being will change your perception in life.
As one who's born again, become conscious of who you are and what you have in Christ. You're different  from the rest of the world; you have the God-life, which makes you one with Him. With that life working in you, sickness, disease and infirmity of the body shouldn't have power over, likewise sin. Sin is the cause of sickness, and Roman 6:14 says, "For sin shall not have dominion over you..."  If sin  which is the parent of sickness, has no power over you anymore, by virtue of the pulsating, triumphant life in Christ, then sickness, which is the offspring of sin, shouldn't have any power over you. Halleluiah!
First published in Rhapsody of Reality, August 2013

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